For this composition I played all the instruments myself. The instruments were chosen mainly because I was able to play them and I felt they worked well together and fit the film content. My starting point was at the piano, and I came up with the “Hedgehog’s Waltz” which can be heard during the opening credits. I wanted this piece to be light-hearted and energetic to carry the audience’s interest through the credits, and it had to have a simple melody which resolved in the ~28 seconds it was written for. I then reworked this waltz piece into “Hedgehog’s Rag”, a slow ragtime piano piece, this time without the accompanying instruments. I wanted each instrument to have at least a small portion of the film to itself for variation. The choice to compose a ragtime piece for hedgehog in the fog was mainly fuelled by my own interest in the genre and composing for it, and although it may not seem to directly compliment the source material in a cultural context – ragtime being an American genre and the animation being soviet- this unintended juxtaposition does not detract from the piece which compliments the nostalgic, whimsical visuals quite nicely. The more minor pieces in the film were mainly inspired by soviet composer Aram Khachaturian, who’s music I listened to extensively while working on this project.